Page 7 - Bet Profit Machine Betting Software (Dominic Whittle) : Flip It & Read It
P. 7

My na me is Domini c Whi ttle.

                     Sinc e an  early age I've been  a bit of a
                     sports buff. Football, cricket, rugby,
                     golf, sno oker - I love the m all.

                     And  I've always been  keen  on
                     placing  a few che eky bets.

                     My int erest in  ho rse racing  came a
                     bit later in  life.

                     But after my {rst visit to the  local

                     course in  Donc aster I became
                     ho oked.

                     I loved the  atmosphe re and  the  buzz
                     - and  the  feeling  of watchi ng  your
                     ho rse come in  was second  to no ne .

                     The  problem was tha t it really didn' t
                     ha ppen  eno ugh.  Sure I'd win  a few,
                     but like most people, I'd lose far

                     But it didn' t matter. Thi s was just a
                     bit of fun  and  I always kept the
                     stakes low. I ha d a no rmal job at a
                     travel agents  and  I ha dn' t given  the
                     idea of making  a living  from betting
                     even  a second 's tho ught .
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